European Week for Waste Reduction: two smart events at Luxembourg Station

The CFL is once again taking part in the European Week for Waste Reduction by organising a series of discussion and awareness events at Luxembourg Station on Tuesday 21 and Friday 24 November, from 12:00 to 18:00 SDK, Shime and ESE will be informing visitors about their ability to act in favor of the environment in the small and large actions they take daily.
The best treated waste is the one that is not produced. The adage continues to hold true in the context of the climate emergency and the preservation of the environment. Therefore, how to turn the “three R’s” into virtuous reflexes for our society: Reduce consumption, Reuse products and materials and Recycle waste.

The 15th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), which runs from 18 to 26 November 2023, focuses on “packaging” that makes it easier for consumers to transport, consume and store goods and other everyday products.
On the other hand, the downside is far from negligible. Against a backdrop of ever-increasing e-commerce, reducing packaging is a major challenge, because on average, each European generates almost 180 kg of packaging waste per year, according to the European Commission. As the official EWWR website points out, 40% of the plastic and 50% of the paper used in the European Union is used for packaging.
Sorting, circularity and cigarette butts: three collective challenges
In this context, the CFL are organising two days to raise awareness of the circular economy and waste reduction in the Verrière (glass atrium) of Luxembourg Central Station. “This initiative is part of our long-term approach and strategy to reduce our Group’s environmental footprint,” says Florian Czech, CSR Manager at the CFL. “As a public service company essential to the social and economic life of the country, we also want to do our part to encourage sustainable lifestyles throughout our society.”
On 21 and 24 November 2023 (12:00 to 18:00), the CFL’s customers and visitors will be able to visit the stands of three partner organisations to understand their own impact on waste, test their knowledge of the circular economy and discover ‘tips and tricks’ for reducing their personal footprint:
- Environnement & Sustinability Education Luxembourg (ESE) will be hosting a circular economy fresco and discussions on a range of sustainability topics,
- SuperDrecksKëscht (SDK) will be offering a quiz on waste sorting,
- Shime will be holding a workshop to raise awareness about the environmental impact of cigarette butts, with the distribution of recycled plastic pocket ashtrays for smokers (who are invited to stop 😉 ).
The CFL’s commitment to everyday action
On a daily basis, the CFL provides its employees with various information resources and sorting stations to maximise waste processing.
Waste from the Central Workshop (in charge of train maintenance and servicing) and the Bus Service is received and processed in a recycling centre that is at the cutting edge of industry practice. The Bonnevoie facility has ISO 14024 certification and is operated in close collaboration with a number of partners, including SDK fir Betriber.
Here is the “Top 5” solid waste collected by the CFL sorting centre in 2022:
1 | Mixed metals | 131 t |
2 | Residual household waste | 29.89 t |
3 | Contaminated wood | 25.5 t |
4 | Waste electrical and electronic equipment | 6 t |
5 | Lead batteries | 5.78 t |