LEDs on board the DoSto, cutting electricity bills in half

In their workshop, the CFL are gradually equipping their “DoSto” (Doppelstockwagen) cars with LED lighting, which saves 50% on electricity. This operation is coupled with the installation of battery monitoring equipment. Or how to take advantage of innovation to prevent breakdowns… and avoid inconveniences for customers.
Although the change is not visible at a first glance, the replacement of the traditional neon lights with LED tubes does represent a step forward in terms of both energy savings and handling.
“Each car is equipped with 55 neon lights”, says Guillaume, CFL project manager for the DoSto car upgrade. “Replacing the 4,000 neon lights in all the DoSto cars with LEDs, which are more resistant over time, allows us to minimise the time needed to maintain or repair the lighting and to reduce our electricity consumption by 50% in this area.” This measure is part of the answer to the need for energy efficiency in these particular times.
This ongoing investment in the update of our rolling stock and, more broadly, in new equipment is in line with the CFL’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, which is aimed at promoting a more responsible and sustainable mobility. This ambition involves the efficient use of its equipment and the control of its environmental impact.

Prevention is better than having to repair a breakdown
In order to optimise the passage of cars through the workshop the CFL install electronic devices to, for example, refine the measurement of the behaviour and thus function of on-board equipment.
“We install so-called CBM systems (Condition Based Maintenance) which provide us with real-time information on certain elements of the DoSto, such as batteries and doors, which, in case of malfunctions, can lead to disruptions,” explains Guillaume.
The teams are also replacing the motors of doors that are reaching the end of their product cycle, in order to avoid malfunctions that would also cause delays and disruptions on the network. The batteries are used to keep all the car’s systems active, even in the absence of power.
“Thanks to the monitored data, we are therefore able to anticipate possible problems and adjust intervention or replacement schedules if necessary.” It is better to prevent by relying on innovation than to intervene in the event of an emergency or breakdown.
At the same time, the DoSto cars are equipped with surveillance cameras at the entrance doors in addition to the cameras already in place in the compartments. A strengthening of the deterrent measures against acts of violence. The images are recorded and handed over to the police in the event of an incident.
These improvements come in addition to the automatic passenger counting system that has been gradually deployed since last spring. This information is particularly useful for obtaining a real-time view of the number of passengers on the trains allowing to adjust the seating offer according to monitored needs. Innovation that makes it possible to combine the useful with the even more useful!

The DoSto in 5 figures
2004: 41 2nd class cars were delivered to the CFL and put into service
20: the CFL have 20 pilot cars.
80: number of seats (44 in 1st class, 36 in 2nd) in a pilot car.
1: Each pilot car is equipped with a multifunctional compartment for bicycles, wheelchairs and prams.
133: the number of seats in the intermediate 2nd class coaches.