In-depth modernization
engineering works/projects
24 August 2016

Since 20 August 2016 modernization works on railway line nr. 10 are moving forward swiftly.
During the three-week closure and after 40 years of loyal services, maintenance and modernization works are put into place between Schieren and Colmar-Berg. On this particular segment, the replacement of the rails and sleepers is completed by the renewal of the entire substructure – in-depth works as you can see for yourself in the following pictures. #workingforyou
- Colmar-Berg train station shortly after sunrise
- Security first. In order to protect the workers, the catenary is grounded once the 25.000 Volt alternative current power supply has been cut
- In order to protect the track bed from precipitations, a performant drainage system is put into place. On the left of the picture: a drainage pipe
- Parts of the topsoil have already been treated with a cement-lime-mixture. Drying out the upper part of the topsoil, this treatment significantly heightens the soil’s load bearing capacity.
- The geotextile is distributed over the entire topsoil
- With millimeter-level accuracy : Thanks to state-of-the-art GPS systems (above the shovel two GPS-receivers have been installed), the sublayer and further elements of the track bed can be perfectly put into place
- Thanks to these GPS-senders the shovel “knowns” the exact amount of material to remove
- The densification of the soil using a cement-lime-mixture leads to an improvement of its load bearing capacity and prevents that larger amounts of topsoil with insufficient load bearing capacities have to be replaced. A time and money saver
- On the left : deep tire marks in the non-treated soil surface – On the right : Surface treated with cement-lime-mixture. Once rolled, this part of the platform will dispose of a multiple of its original load bearing capacity.
- There is still some work left
- The machine used for the soil densification works
- The view from above reveals the scale of the machine
- At some points, the ballast and parts of the topsoil are removed …
- and taken away
- Deep marks illustrate the weight of the heavy machines
- With its special front-tool the Menzi-Muck is a precious help within the installation of micropiles
- A railworthy version of the Menzi-Muck – a one of a kind
More information on the modernization works on railway line nr. 10