• Five signs of Respect… as simple as “1,2,3”

    To mark National Respect in Public Transport Day, which takes place every 3 May, the public transport service providers involved are sharing five behaviours that promote good together.

  • The CFL get their power from green energy from the Greater Region

    Since the beginning of 2024, the CFL have been supplied with renewable energy from an Enovos solar farm in Südeifel (Germany).

  • Great food, nice sceneries, and endless memories  – inspiration for your next visit to France.

    Let the CFL and SNCF inspire you. From Luxembourg to France, find the destination of your dreams from among the many towns and cities in France, and make the most of the journey and all the advantages of travelling by train with TGV INOUI.

  • Near the CFL funicular, bees have a breeding ground for their honey

    The CFL are committed to protecting biodiversity by hosting four beehives operated by Honapi. Established on a plot of land alongside the funicular, these habitats play an active role in preserving a species that is essential to our living environment and in promoting the local bio-honey production.

  • New railway line Luxembourg – Bettembourg: the construction works are going on swiftly

    A new railway line is being built between Luxembourg and Bettembourg. However, laying two additional tracks is by no means the end of the story. For several years, the CFL, with the help of external partners in the construction sector,…
  • Howald: a multimodal hub in transition

    Mobility history is currently being written in Howald, or rather at the Howald stop. The transformation into a genuine multimodal hub is visible to the naked eye. Since December 2017, the current Howald stop has been available to customers. Since…

After one and a half years of construction, on March 2nd 2017, the new electric railcars manufactured by Stadler arrived at their final destination, CFL’s central workshop. The two KISS are among the first of a total of 11 electric railcars ordered by the CFL Group. With a unit price of 8.9 million euros each,…


At first sight it seems rather obvious that the power supply of the rolling stock goes far beyond a single wire. But which elements are the catenary infrastructures composed of? These illustrations will provide answers to this question.#simplyexplained


Even nowadays many people still associate the calming rattling of the carriages over the iron tracks of the railway network with a journey by train. Outsiders, and particularly people who live close by railway lines or train stations, however show little enthusiasm for this sound. To them it is simply noise. The source of the…


Since 20 August 2016 modernization works on railway line nr. 10 are moving forward swiftly. During the three-week closure and after 40 years of loyal services, maintenance and modernization works are put into place between Schieren and Colmar-Berg. On this particular segment, the replacement of the rails and sleepers is completed by the renewal of…
